Across the globe, men are experiencing more mental health issues than ever before.  According to recent figures from Mental Health America, more than six million men suffer from depression every year, however male depression often goes undiagnosed. Much of the stigma that still exists about men’s mental health for men is that many don’t feel able to talk about their feelings and concerns.

 As a starting place for discussions on depression as well as wider mental health and wellbeing issues, these recommended reads have all been written specifically with male mental health in mind. 

Real Talk: A New Approach for Men’s Mental Fitness and Wellbeing 

If you have ever experienced feelings of overwhelm, loneliness, or a loss of hope, and you are ready to start thriving and grabbing the moments that matter, ‘Real Talk’ by high performance leadership coach and behavioural science consultant Chinazom Sunny Nwabueze, offers a new approach to mental fitness.

This is not your typical nonfiction book that promises to reveal the ‘secret sauce’ to mental fitness. Chinazom is not a ‘guru’ nor does he want to preach; he is very aware his own mental fitness journey is still evolving. 

Instead, this book contains a series of fictional short stories based on real-life events that take place with normal, average, everyday people navigating their own journeys to mental fitness. 

‘Real Talk’ explores the idea that people, especially men, need to drop the facade that everything is fine, and actually talk through their issues. Critically, Chinazom argues that men need to ask better questions of those they are closest to.

After reading this book, you will come away having the knowledge and motivation to change the narrative for generations to come. ‘Real Talk’ paves the way to a better life, which makes it a must-read for men of all ages.

Man Down: A Guide for Men on Mental Health

If you find it difficult to open up about your feelings, then you are not alone. If you are like many other men that put on a ‘coping’ front to get through each day, when in reality you are overwhelmed with anxieties and insecurities, then you need to make space on your bookshelf for ‘Man Down’, by Charlie Hoare.

With personal insights and experiences, Charlie offers tools, techniques, and advice on how to navigate mental health issues and provides guidance on how to look out for your wellbeing, enabling you to live a happier and healthier life.

Covering topics such as, anxiety and depression, stress, suicidal thoughts, dealing with traditional gender expectations, self-care, and mindfulness techniques etc, ‘Man Down’ is a book all men should read if they are wanting to improve their awareness of mental health.

Overcoming Overthinking: The Complete Guide to Calm Your Mind by Conquering Anxiety, Sleeplessness, Indecision, and Negative Thoughts

It can be utterly exhausting living with a mind that is constantly racing around, worried about every possible eventuality. Once you get into a spiral of overthinking, it can be very difficult to stop, resulting in your thoughts getting ahead of you, blocking you from your own mind and distracting you from what really matters.

In ‘Overcoming Overthinking’ by Kirk Teachout, you will learn the best ways to calm your overactive mind to avoid becoming overwhelmed. You will also discover how to identify what triggers your overthinking, and how you can stop your overthinking tendencies so you can replace them with healthier habits.

This practical and easy-to-use book provides actionable steps, exercises, and techniques to reduce anxiety and work on your thoughts, enabling you to feel better quickly. If you tend to overthink, then this relatable guide is your first step to self-mastery and personal power.

The Vulnerable Man: Break your patterns. Master your emotions. Reclaim your life.

 In ‘The Vulnerable Man’, Swedish entrepreneur Thomas Anderson tells his story of being in a whirlpool of self-doubt, stress, anxiety, and feelings of worthlessness. On the brink of burnout, Thomas was trapped in what he describes as ‘an emotional prison’. This book shares his story from rock bottom to finding happiness.

With the aim for ‘The Vulnerable Man’ to be a companion on your own journey to change, Thomas shares his doubts, shortcomings, learnings, and experiences, the inner work and the strength that comes from being vulnerable. You will discover a true a personal story about how it can feel on the inside when things change, and you’ll learn how to break patterns and manage your emotions.

If you are searching for confidence, as well as the tools to manage your thoughts and emotions, then this book is a must-read. This book will help to create an inner peace, allowing you to handle major life changes and stay centered in day-to-day life.

Man Kind: Tools for Mental Health, Well-Being, and Modernizing Masculinity

With men exhibiting higher rates of suicide, lower rates of help-seeking, higher rates of substance use and abuse, and higher rates of anger and violence, masculinity requires a redesign.

 In Man Kind, counseling psychologist Zachary Gerdes, PhD, provides a framework for improving men's mental health and well-being while redefining what it means to be masculine. Rather than following a traditional view of masculinity focused on stoicism, patriarchy, and self-reliance, Gerdes provides his LIFT model―a road map to help men foster collaboration, understand when and how to utilize resources, and build mental resilience and flexibility. 

Covering topics such as healthy masculinity, relationships, overcoming oppression and mental health, this ground-breaking guide provides men with the tools to improve their mental health and well-being.